DOEACC – Bringing Quality Computer Education within Reach of More. DOEACC is an autonomous body of the Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India with Head Quarters at New Delhi. It is envisioned to bring the most updated global industry relevant computer education, within the reach of more and more in the areas of Information, Electronics and Communication Technology (IECT).
Realizing the wide gap in the availability of quality computer professionals to meet India’s ambitious leadership plans in software exports, the society has revolutionized computer knowledge dissemination, by offering its meticulously prepared curriculum through the non-formal sector. A fact that is perhaps best echoed by the whole-hearted support to the curriculum, by leading IT professionals and educationists. A unique feature of the curriculum, is horizontal entry to students from non-accredited institutes, so a student with a certain minimum level of computer knowledge need not start at the foundation ‘O’ level. The courses range from Entry Level to M.Tech Degree level:

  • Certificate Course on Computer Concepts (CCC)
  • Foundation (O) level
  • Advanced Diploma (A) level
  • MCA Degree equivalent (B) level and,
  • M.Tech Degree (C) level.

These courses are further reviewed and upgraded on a continual basis to suit changing industry needs and in line with technology trends, complying with the requirements of ISO 9001-2000.

Course on Computer Concept (CCC)

This is a Certificate Course designed to impart knowledge at a basic level in computers for the common man.
Benefits: On successful completion of the course, the incumbent is enabled to use a computer for basic purposes of preparing personal/business letters, viewing information on Internet (the Web), sending mails, preparing business presentations. Small business communities, house-wives would be able to maintain their accounts using computers.
No pre-requisite qualifications are required by candidates to undergo this course. An elementary knowledge of English is, however, expected of the candidates.

Duration: The total duration of the course is 80 hours, consisting of:
i) Theory 25 hours
ii) Tutorials 5 hours
iii) Practicals 50 hours
The course could ideally be a two weeks intensive course.Who can conduct the course: Institutes conducting any of the O/A/B/C Level accredited courses may conduct the Course on Computer Concepts. No separate accreditation is required for such institutes. However, the institutes conducting the O/A/B/C Level accredited courses are required to inform DOEACC Society in writing and obtain permission before the commencement of the course.
Examination for the certificate course will be conducted by the DOEACC Society initially twice a year.

DOEACC Course “O” Level

‘O’ level course of DOEACC Scheme is equivalent to a Foundation Level Course in Computer Applications. Students can acquire this qualification by undergoing this course and passing the examination conducted by the DOEACC Society. Working professionals can also appear in this examination directly, provided they possess the requisite educational qualification as indicated below.

i) For students appearing through an institute: 10 + 2 or ITI Certificate ( one year) after class 10 followed in each case by an accredited ‘O’ Level Course.
Successful completion of the second year of a Government recognized polytechnic engineering / diploma course after class 10, followed by an accredited ‘O’ level course concurrently during the third year of the said polytechnic engineering diploma course. ii) For students-at-large (Direct Applicants): 10 + 2 or ITI Certificate (one year) after class 10 followed in each case, by one-year relevant experience. (Relevant experience cannot job experience in IT, including teaching in a recognized institution as faculty member, excludes coaching.
A pass in the NCVT-DP&CS (Data Processing & Computer Software) Examination conducted by DGE&T (Govt. of India).

Examination for ‘O’ level is being held only under the diversified syllabus from January 2000 onwards. Certificate will be issued to candidates, who are registered at ‘O’ level and have successfully completed two modules under the diversified syllabus for ‘O’ level, including compulsory module of ‘Personal Computer Software’. Fee: by Demand Draft in favour of DOEACC payable at New Delhi.

DOEACC Course “A” Level

Eligibility :

O level Qualifiers OR Any Graduates OR a Govt. recognized Polytechnic Engineering Diploma after class X /XII (No Concurrency).

Duration : 1½year (Semester System)

Certificate Awarding Body : NIELIT (formerly DOEACC Society)


DOEACC ‘A’ Level Course is the second level of DOEACC IT Professional Course.It comes after ‘O’ Level. It is equivalent to advance diploma course in Computer Application as recognized by Govt. of India for Job purposes. Duration of the course is 1½ Year for direct entry and 1 Year for ‘O’ level qualifiers. The course starts in the month of January and July every year. Admission notice will published in the local daily newspaper of Nagaland about 1 month prior to the commencement of course.


The Objective of the course is to prepare candidates for DOEACC examination by imparting required knowledge and skill.


Recognition has been given by the Government of India to DOEACC ‘A’ level examination conducted by the DOEACC Society as equivalent to Advanced Diploma Course in computer application for the purpose of employment to posts and services under the Central Government.

Intake :20 seats for each for each session

Selection Procedure :

Selection of candidate is purely through an entrance test conducted by NIELIT Extension Center Chuchuyimlang. If the number of applicant is less, entrance test is not held.

Paper Code Paper Name
First Semester
A1-R4 IT Tools and Business Systems
A2-R4 Internet Technology and Web Design
A3-R4 Programming and Problem Solving through ‘C’ language
Second Semester
A4-R4 Computer System Architecture
A5-R4 Structured System Analysis & Design
A6-R4 Data Structure through C++
A7-R4 Introduction to DBMS
Third Semester
A8-R4 Basics of OS, Unix & Shell Programming
A9-R4 Data Communication and Network Technologies
A10.1-R4 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Through JAVA
A10.2-R4 Software Testing and Quality Management
Fourth Semester
A8-R4 Basics of OS, Unix & Shell Programming
A9-R4 Data Communication and Network Technologies
A10.1-R4 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Through JAVA
A10.2-R4 Software Testing and Quality Management
# One Paper has to be chosen from A10.1R4 & A10.2R4
Practical Papers & Project
PR-1 Practical -1(Based on A1, A2, A3, A4 Papers syllabus)
PR-2 Practical -2(Based on A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A10 Papers Syllabus)
PJ Project Work




















Project Work :

Project Work in the DOEACC Scheme is an integral part of the curriculum to qualify the course. There is one project after the completion of 2nd semester carrying 100 marks. The Project has to be carried out by the student under the guidance and support of faculty and management of the respective institute. After successful completion and clearing a minimum of 5 theory papers, project report has to be submitted along with a fee of Rs. 500/-(in the form of Demand Draft in favour of DOEACC payable at New Delhi) and a certificate towards authenticity of the project to DOEACC Society, 6 CGO Complex, Electronics Niketan, New Delhi. An expert nominated by DOEACC Society, as far as possible near the candidate’s location,will conduct a Viva-voce on the project. Followings are some important information for the Project Work.

Who could be a Supervisor / Guide

A guide for A Level should be a person with DOEACC B level/MCA/B.Tech/equivalent/higher qualification and adequate experience (minimum 3 years) in the area in which the student has chosen the Project. In the case of a candidate from an accredited institute, the institute concerned will render all help including the nomination of the Supervisor.

Time of Submission of A Level Project

A Level student can submit the project only after clearing 5 papers of the A Level Course. A level project would be approximately 350 man-hours and carries a total of 100 marks (80% for the project evaluation and 20% for the viva-voce).

Preparation of the project Report

The following suggested guidelines may be followed in preparing the Final Project Report:

    • Good quality white executive bond paper A4 size should be used for typing and duplication. Care should be taken to avoid smudging while duplicating the copies.
    • Page Specification: (Written paper and source code)
    • Left margin 3.0 cms
    • Right margin 3.0 cms
    • Top margin 2.7 cms
    • Bottom margin 2.7 cms
    • Page numbers All text pages as well as Program source code listing should be numbered at the bottom center of the pages.

Submission of Project Report to DOEACC

The student will submit his/her project report in the prescribed format along with requisite fee. The Project Report should include:

    • One hard copy of the Project Report.
    • Soft copy of Project on Floppy / CD
    • The Project Report may be about 50 pages (excluding coding).


Theory Examinations:

DOEACC “A”-level theory examination is conducted twice in a year (in the month of January and July) by DOEACC SOCIETY, New Delhi. There is a number of examination centers all over India. The list of exam center will be available while collecting exam form. Student can choose one of the exam Centre according to their convenience.

Full mark of each paper is 100 and exam duration is 3 hrs. Examination fee for each theory paper is Rs. 500/- and cost of exam form is Rs. 25/-.

Practical Examinations:

Practical Examination for DOEACC “A” Level course will be conducted at the Institute itself under the supervision of DOEACC Society, New Delhi. Students need to provide the option for appearing in practical examination(s) while filling up exam form with payment of additional practical examination fee of Rs.300/-per paper. Duration of each practical examination is 3 hrs.

DOEACC “A” Level Course has two practical papers viz. PR-1 & PR-2 of full mark 100 (including 20 marks for Viva Voce) each. PR-I will be based on A1-R4,A2-R4, A3-R4 & A4-R4 papers while PR-2 will based on the remaining papers.

The eligibility criteria to appear in practical papers of the course is as follows:

  • PR1: Need to appeared A1-R4, A2-R4, A3-R4 & A4-R4 papers or appearing these papers along with PR1.
  • PR2: Need to appeared A5-R4, A6-R4, A7-R4, A8-R4, A9-R4 and A10.1-R4/A10.2-R4 papers or appearing these papers along with PR2.

Important dates regarding the examination are as follows:

Activity Jan Exams July Exams
Request for application forms at NIELIT, Extension Center Chuchuyimalng:
i) Commencement date
ii) Closing date
1st September
15th October
1st March
15st April
Closing date for submission of filled forms at NIELIT, Extension Center Chuchuyimlang:
i) Without late fee
ii) With late fee
15th October
30th October
15th April
30th April
Closing date for direct submission of form to DOEACC, New Delhi:
i) Without late fee
ii) With late fee
31st October
10th November
30th April
10th May
Commencement of Examination: 2nd Saturday of January 2nd Saturday of July










Result of Examination:

Results of DOEACC “A” Level examination is published in the DOEACC website normally after two& half months of completion of the exam. Students can check their result from this website and download.Students can also ask for result of the examination to the Institute. Results will sent to the candidates from DOEACC Society individually. The result will be provided in the form of Grade. The marks scored in practical papers & project are not counted for calculating overall grade of the exam but, clearing practical papers and successful completion of Project are the necessary criterion for awarding the certificate.

Following is the Gradation system of the above DOEACC Courses:

Sl. Marks Scored Grade to be awarded
1 Below 50% F (Failed)
2 50% – 54% D
3 55% – 64% C
4 65% – 74% B
5 75% – 84% A
6 85% & above S







Re-totaling of marks can be requested within one month from the date of announcement of the result. The application along with requisite fee of Rs. 200/- per module/paper should send directly to Examination Section, DOEACC Society, 6 CGO Complex, New Delhi-3. If any correction is to be made, it will be updated to student’s result of the examination.